Recent things…

aka ‘5 things on Friday’, issue #0.

One of the blogs I read fairly regularly is that of ex-BBC chappy, Hugh Garry.

He’s a smart chap and I finally managed to meet him at a social media week event a little while back, which was nice. One of the things he mentioned back then was an attempt he was making on his blog called ‘5 things I liked this week‘.

Once a week [well, nearly – get back on the horse Hugh!] he just puts exactly that: five links to five things that he liked that week. I’ve been doing something similar for the ‘heads for a while now and, well, I think I’d quite like to do something similar, for myself, in 2012.

Every Friday (hopefully on my way home from work) I’m going to jot down the five things I’ve done or seen that week. Or perhaps even five things that have happened to me or that I’ve seen or whatever. Either way, it’s going in the Moleskine and then, naturally, it’s ending up on here.

To kick off, and for memory’s sake, this is the one I started God knows when earlier this year, but with a much larger number than five. Call it ‘Cool things that happened in 2011’ or something.

So, in no particular order:



Wow…  I aimed for 5 and I finished with 55.  Not bad for my first go.

Let’s see how this works out for 2012.


Alfie and James

Pic taken from aforementioned cooking comp; ‘Nom Nom Nom 2011‘, Alfie and  I – aka ‘The Hirsute Hashtag Slingers‘ – looking dashing and awesome, ready and raring to go.

We had such fun that day and this pic just makes me smile.

via Annie Mole



Moleskine entry: January 5th, 2011

I have a new Moleskine.
This makes me happy.

It was a gift from those lovely folk @ Mint Digital (more than likely, orchestrated by my dear friend Utku), to mark the start of 2011*
Thanks Utterz. I like it.

So. Plans for the year then? I have two. Travel and dance. Doing more of both. The former I’m working on, the latter also.

I guess if I’m completely honest with myself, one underlying goal for the year ahead would be not to share as much. For the last two years (more so than before at least) I’ve lived my life openly, on the internet – and decorated it accordingly. In the same way that one would in his own house, I shared my happiness, my joy and my deepest loves on the walls around me.

If it made me smile, or if I thought it would do the same for someone, else then I shared it. But now…?

Now the largest piece of that puzzle has disappeared and, whenever I visit this place I once called home, it is not long before I wander into a memory of times gone past. It’s not like I can even show people around; an image here, a link there, an oblique reference off to the right – it happens.

This year, whatever comes my way, I’ll be keeping a fair amount of it back (more than I did before at least anyway).

For now, that’s how things have to be.

James Whatley

Minty Moleskines...

1000heads: About those resolutions

We’re approx. five days into the New Year and already we’re seeing updates to those cursed and dreaded NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS.

Search: ‘Broken Resolution

Historically (and personally) I’ve never been a massive fan of the resolution, having spent most of my adult life working under the impression that if you want to make a change to your life then you should just be able to do it on any day and not wait for some arbitrary, Calabrian doctor-chosen numbered day… but that’s just me.

This year, I decided to change that and, in doing so, thought I’d also take a quick straw poll from the fellow ‘heads in the room —

[click to embiggen]

While there’s obviously an expected lean towards generally being more healthy and sporty (the much-missed 1000heads Tuesday night football game may make a return in the near future), there’s also a larger, more over-arching theme of learning and bettering oneself. It seems we have a fair few dancers in our midst, as well as a closet group of potential novelists.

That’s us sorted, what about you? We know how many of you read this blog every day, why not make today the day you leave a comment?

Tell us one New Year’s Resolution you’ve made (that you have every intention of keeping, obviously) and we’ll pull together a community-based chart like the above towards the end of the week.


When are we again?

We’re fresh out of the Noughties (or not, as the case may be), and – as is our wont as humans desperately in search of figuring out the names of things – we were wondering this morning what nomenclature we should be applying to the decade ahead (that is if you believe that a new decade started this year, not last).

So far suggestions are as follows:

The Tenties – via @Pockless, @chrisbell and @kiphakes – (currently in the lead)

Miss @Lorna_Wall suggests that The Tweenies might be a suitable name (although these guys may have a problem with that)

Elevensies‘ – via the the rather comedic ex’head, @_EISwann

Mark Errett suggests that while ‘Tennies‘ might be a good name, he’s fairly sure that the people of 1910 never had this problem (he could be right).

The Lost Decade‘ is an interesting entry from one Mr Alan Hind, although we’d like to see some more reasoning behind this choice – i.e.: where will it be lost? Is there an island? Etc.

Finally, a late entry from one Benjamin Crime; THE FUTURE!

New Years (and new decades) always seem to get us talking; tomorrow? Resolutions.

Until then:


So long 2010

LIke Minds Summit, Feb 2010

– Image via Scott Gould

For the first time, in a long time, I find myself standing at the precipice of a New Year, staring out at a blank canvas.

It’s exhilarating.

It scares the living hell out of me, it makes my blood pump hard and my brain can’t work and adrenaline floods my insides whenever I even begin to pause and think about it… and it aches, oh my God it aches. But.. it… is…  exhilarating. I feel alive. The possibilities now are endless.

This –

I am a snow globe.
Shake me.
Let the blizzard roar.
This is what I was made for.

The peace. The intensity. The calm in the storm. The beauty of the fall. The peace.

Come on 2011, take your best shot….



I’m ready for you.




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