Koh Samui – Day 6

Afternoon all..

Well being in pain certainly knackers you out a fair bit!

Jeez.. I am shattered today. My alarm went off at 7am for my first detox, I had it.. then went straight back to bed – I havent done that since being here.. jeez.

Shattered.. slept til 830, woke up. took my pills, slept til 10, woke up, detox drink… then decided to stroll down to the pharmacy to get some new bandages and stuff..

So yeah – been a slow morning.. My mate Kim crashed over last night – she checked out yesterday but didnt fancy going to Bohput til today so I said she room with me – which was cool.. but I had this felling what was going to happen.. and guess what?! It happened.

NO! NOT THAT! …Kim’s my mate dude – proper kindred spirit..

We haven’t stopped talking since we first had chat about our drunk stories a couple of days ago and I thought, ‘..if she crashes over, we’ll be up chattin all night..’ and sure enough.. we were. It was cool though.. everything from life experiences, to politics, to stories of stuff we’ve done.. and she’s pretty awesome.. it got to the point where we trying to find something to disagree on! It was funny..

Also, tres cool….

So yeah – she’s been a cool playmate over the past few days and she’s just chipped off. So take care Kimmy.. (hahaha) ..and safe travels. Speak soon dude!

That’s about it for me – the sun’s out and one of the dudes here wants me to talk about the accident so I gotta do that too..

Chat laters dudes.

PS – might go to the cinema tonight – should be cool.

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Author: James Whatley

Experienced advertising and communications strategist working in brand, games, and entertainment. I got ❤️ for writing, gaming, and figuring stuff out. I'm @whatleydude pretty much everywhere that matters. Nice to meet you x