1000heads: SMWLDN: Social Media Surgery

Social Media Week is coming!

If you’ve not heard about it yet, it’s pretty big (with events being held all over the world) and it’s only going to get bigger.

Globally, we’re going to be keeping ourselves busy supporting different activities on behalf of the headline sponsor (who also happens to be one of our clients) while locally, here in London, we’ll be doing our bit in the office with our very own:

“What the hell is that then?” – I hear you cry…
Allow me to explain:

To kick Social Media Week off with a bang, we’ve decided to setup the official #smwlondon / 1000heads Social Media Surgery.

With resident ‘Doctors’ Molly Flatt (WOM Evangelist), James Whatley (Marketing Director) and Tim Denyer (Group Development Director) each giving up their day to help all and sundry with their social media ailments, why not make an appointment now?

Tim’s your man if you want to talk integration, performance and measurement

Molls specialises in ethics, training and social business

And James (that’s me) will bring you the low-down on engagement, tools and presences

One-on-one private sessions are available (as are larger group sessions for up to eight people) throughout the day, and coffee and biscuits (quite nice ones) will be provided. While we can’t guarantee all problems will be solved immediately, we can promise to bring a little TLC to those in need.

If you’re interested in coming, head on over to our specially set up Social Media Week Amiando page and book yourself an appointment!

The Doctor will see you now… 😉

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Author: James Whatley

Experienced advertising and communications strategist working in brand, games, and entertainment. I got ❤️ for writing, gaming, and figuring stuff out. I'm @whatleydude pretty much everywhere that matters. Nice to meet you x

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