It really did - 



Last week, whilst in attendance at the Social@Ogilvy Spin event over in Shoreditch, I ran into Ade Cockle, Digital Innovation Manager for the World Wildlife Fund.

He and I have chatted over Twitter a fair bit and we’ve also shared a table at various IAB Social Media Council meetings together too but the other night was the first time we’d actually met and spoken properly.

The first words out of my mouth?

“Ade! What do I have to do to get my hands on one of those awesome Panda shirts?!”

How did I know about them? I saw this video –

Lovely, right?

Anyway, the next thing I know Ade magics the above t-shirt out of his bag and thrusts it into my hands! Amazing.

What did I do in response? I gave him a massive hug, and then I GOT INVOLVED.

You should too.




Thursday Morning

Morning has arrived on the field of Pilton. There are tents as far as the eye can see and I’m blogging this live! As I type this to you I’m sitting outside, brew in hand and soaking up what rays there are (via my solar charger, natch).
Everyone’s here now..

Time for breakfast methinks – then we’re off to explore!

In the meantime, check out these pics 🙂

– A fair few tents! –

– Prepare for rain… –

– Soaking up the rays –