Five things on Friday #68

Things of note for the week ending April 18th, 2014.


1. BFI Player
Not sure if this is available outside of the UK but the British Film Institute launched their own web-based content player recently. If you like bloody good film, it’s not a bad place to rent stuff from (and there’s 15% off if you’re a member, obvs).

BFI Player

2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
This has got car crash written all over it BUT wild horses won’t keep me from seeing it at the cinema.

Yes, Michael Bay is rebooting the Turtles.
No, it doesn’t seem like they’ll be keeping to their origin stories.
Yes, the trailer looks terrible / typically Michael Bay.
No, there’s no sign of Krang.
Yes, Megan Fox is playing April O’Neil.
No, the Turtles aren’t as small as they’re supposed to be.
Yes, Splinter will be in it.

Oh, and I really like the posters  –


3. Coconut Crabs (and Amelia Earheart)
Potentially a bit of nightmare fuel, so no image – you can click through yourself.

4. One Positive Thing. Everyday.

Sing In The Shower

I like these set of illustrations. A lot. You might too.

Good job they’re available to buy as well, eh?

5. Computerising the Human Experience
The image at the top of this post was created by Victoria Siemer.

Her work is amazing, if a little heart-breaking.


Full set available via Beautiful Decay.

Have a great weekend.


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Author: James Whatley

Chief Strategy Officer in adland. I got ❤️ for writing, gaming, and figuring stuff out. I'm @whatleydude pretty much everywhere that matters. Nice to meet you x