The Best Google Hangout EVER

Missed the first Social Media Week of 2013? This is what you need —

Biz / Whatley / Memes!


***** WATCH IT BELOW *****

This coming past Friday, February 22nd, Bizhan ‘The Biz‘ Govindji and me, James ‘Whatleydude‘ Whatley are hosting hosted our very own Google ‘ON AIR’ Hangout, entitled:

37mins of WIN: the Social Media Week in Review

The hashtag, #smWINreview is LITERALLY made of WIN.

37mins of non-stop banter and comedy about the funniest, weirdest, bestest and moving-est (yes, that’s a word) content from the best events from all across the globe. More details over on the Social Media Week event page.

When:7pm, Friday February 22nd 2013

On Deh Googlez (JOIN US)

We like memes. We can’t help it. They’re everywhere. The Internet likes memes too: the best ones become famous, and spread like wildfire. A good meme is simple to understand, and will generally make you smile, maybe even laugh. And that’s why we’re going to make sure that our Google+ Hangout is FILLED WITH MEMES.

And finally…


If you’ve got a comedy quote, or a meme, or if you’ve seen something brilliant from this past Social Media Week then do PLEASE get in touch! We going to be handing over to guests wherever possible to get different perspectives whenever possible.

See you tomorrow… on THE GOOGLEZ.


Ps. This is totally our entry to Social Media Week’s G+ competition. So if we win, expect many many many thank yous!