Letters of Note: GMTV Fan Mail

Many moons ago (just over ten years in fact), I got my first job in London working at Good Morning Television, aka – GMTV.

It was fairly awesome and, as part of my job was collecting the waiver forms from all the guests that appeared on the sofa, I got to meet some many lovely people. But those stories are for another day.

Recently, while sorting through some old boxes, I found this immensely amusing piece of ‘fan mail’ that I must’ve pocketed and filed at some point along the way. God knows why I kept it and God knows why I only found it this past weekend.

Anyway, here it is – for your amusement.

Letters of note

[click to embiggen]


The London Television Centre
Upper Way

13th November 2001

Dear Sirs

For the first time this morning I watched GMTV’s spoof comedy show with superb actress Lorrain Kelly. What a great show, you have captured perfectly the worst of television and put it all together in one entirely believable package. The dreadful sets, moronic competitions, garish coloured furniture, wobbly camera tracking, awful guests, and the ubiquitous ‘make-over‘ absolutety superb.

The sketch this morning with some dreadful woman in a supposedly expensive coat was as good as anything French & Saunders or Victoria Wood has done. The hesitation before walking out on the unstable ‘cat-walk’ had me roaring with laughter.

I am surprised we do not see more of Ms Kelly on television; she must be one of our best comedy actress’. I trust negotiations are ongoing to move this show to an evening prime time slot and I look out for it eagerly.

At a time when there has been so much bad news in the world this type of clever comedy was just what I needed, my congratulations to all involved.

Yours faithfully

JS Scott


For what it’s worth, Lorraine Kelly is a genuinely lovely person and, the few times that I appeared on the sofa with her*, she was always super nice to me. This letter is slightly mean, but fairly tongue in cheek.

So thank you, JS Scott – whomever you may be – on a day in November in 2001, you made me and my fellow colleagues laugh. A lot.


Perhaps it’ll even make it onto Letters of Note


*Yep. Really. And I’m never giving you the footage (my Mum has it recorded somewhere, I’m sure).