1000heads: IKEA on the French Underground

Thanks to Zee for spotting these images of Ikea’s latest fun and games in and around four key locations deep inside France’s Parisian Metro system.

If you think this idea sounds or looks familiar, take a look at this ‘Disrupting the Norm‘ post from last month suggesting the very same activity here in London.

I wonder if it would have the same effect?

Coming full circle

And so it ends…

There. I made it. 30 days of November and 30 days of video.

Well, 28 actually… But we’ll come to that another time. Similarly to others I have much to reflect on, but for now…

NaVloPoMo is at an end.

And I am happy 🙂

The music on the above video is by a band called The Momeraths.
I’ve used their stuff before and they’re kind of awesome.

Check them out.