Useful links and data re: #Millennials

Someone asked me recently how they might discuss the topic of ‘How to best engage millennials’. I was quite happy with the braindump that I responded with, so I thought I’d [re-]share it here.

Y’know, just some resources / interesting reading and stuff.


EDIT: I’ve decided that I’m going to try and keep this blog post updated with the latest findings on all things to do with millennials. The standard is high, so don’t expect to find Daily Mail headlines here. But yes, save this page and refer back to it later.

Last updated: Feb 25th, 2015.

Someone asked me recently how they might discuss the topic of ‘How to best engage millennials’. I was quite happy with the braindump that I responded with, so I thought I’d [re-]share it here.

Hope it’s useful.


In answer to your question, this is what I throw at people in the office if/when they ask me about Millennials.

  1. This Marketing Magazine article touches upon a METRIC TON of stuff that my esteemed peer and colleague, Marshall Manson, and I have been covering recently across various media in regards to our 2015 Social Trends, have a read of that – it’s totally lifted some stuff from us wholesale but screw it, who actually cares?
  2. Speaking of that trend deck, Trend 3 (slide 36 onwards) of said presentation might also help (no guarantees made, obvs).
  3. I wrote this piece a little while back about how BRAND WITH PURPOSE will be the ones that talk to (and succeed with) the disillusioned millennial audience of today / tomorrow – #medianode
  4. White House report, “15 Economic Facts about Millennials
  5. BRANDS WITH PURPOSE is a trend on its own for 2015 (I’ve seen a book that’s coming in March that addresses the same thing and I’m certain We Are Social dropped a report recently that just reiterates everything in the article above.
  6. Also: ‘What’s current when nothing is certain?
  7. Pew Research on Millennials, including its reports on “Millennials in Adulthood” and “Who Are Europe’s Millennials?”
  8. The Drum have released a new ‘Millennial Hub‘ with Bauer – don’t know how good it is but it might be worth a look?
  9. There’s this Deloitte Millennial Survey 2014 (here’s the PDF exec summary)
  10. This is a great resource for illustrating the disillusionment of millennials (the last image nails it).
  11. Something something AUTHENTICITY.
  12. IBM report on millennials in the workplace
  13. What Millennials Want From Work‘ by HBR covers over 16k respondents in 43 countries and is actually a really good read.
  14. That HBR piece is itself lifted from a larger piece of work from a collaborative six-part effort to ‘understand a misunderstood generation‘ (it looks like it’s free to sign up too). This stuff is gold.
  15. Telefonica conducted its own Global Millennial Survey (also worth a look)
  16. Like infographics? Goldman Sachs have got you covered.
  17. Fusion Massive US Millennial Poll
  18. Knowledge @ Wharton article on “How Millennials Think Differently About Brands
  19. Mindshare did its own research (article coverage)
  20. How Millennials Get News (US-focused, again, but a fairly thorough process so some genuine insight here)
  21. More from Goldman Sachs.

That’s all I’ve got at the minute. Sorry.



PS. I’ve realised all I’ve done is give you loads of additional stuff to sift through. In answer to your broader question: you engage with Millennials by a) being authentic and b) having a purpose. There’s a Kanye West quote nails it. In fact just stick the image attached (posted above) on a slide and have done with it.

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Author: James Whatley

Experienced advertising and communications strategist working in brand, games, and entertainment. I got ❤️ for writing, gaming, and figuring stuff out. I'm @whatleydude pretty much everywhere that matters. Nice to meet you x

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