Five things on Friday #102

Things of note for the week ending Friday 12th December, 2014.

Things of note for the week ending Friday 12th December, 2014.

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—- whoosh —-

1. ‘Living My Life’
This is the best Slovenian case study you’ll see today

Seriously, I really love this.

Why? Let me explain.

Here we have a small country, with small agencies and even smaller audiences. Achieving cut-through through digital in a country where there’s only two TV channels is a hard sell. And yet somehow they’ve managed it. Can you imagine a similar project here?

2. Got YouTube? Get Gifs.
This has been everywhere today but it’s worth mentioning again: YouTube is rolling out a really quick and simple way to create animated gifs from YouTube videos. This is awesome.

Read all about it.

3. Cartoon Photobombs
These are really quite cute.

cartoon7 cartoon8 cartoon16

4. Trailer Mashup 2014
Just under 7mins. All the films of 2014. In one mega video.

Watch it.

Then guess them all.

5. The Hype Machine Zeitgeist
There aren’t that many end of year round ups that I genuinely look forward to each year. The Hype Machine Zeitgeist is one of the lucky few.

Check it.

Bonuses this week are a mixbag of me, you, and Max

Until next time…

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Author: James Whatley

Experienced advertising and communications strategist working in brand, games, and entertainment. I got ❤️ for writing, gaming, and figuring stuff out. I'm @whatleydude pretty much everywhere that matters. Nice to meet you x