
Zurich International

Moleskine entry: April 1st, 2010

There’s a bunny in bag and he’s made of chocolate.

I’ve been to Switzerland today well, at the time of writing I’m technically still in Zurich; sat in the plane, awaiting departure. We’ll be on our way back to London shortly. It’s been a long day.

Why Zurich? Work, surprise surprise. But still LOTS of fun nonetheless. If I can talk about them by the time I write this up then you’ll know that it was… SKINS

If all you can see is an image of my moleskine, then sorry – can’t talk about it just yet. But if it’s not, then you can tell that the meeting was successful. Win.

It’s Easter this weekend (hence the bunny) and I’m looking forward to some proper R’n’R.

Chill Winston.

That is if this flight ever gets a move on. I was up at 5am this morning to be at London City Airport for 7am, leaving at 8.

It has been a long day (and it’s nowhere near over yet).

We were originally scheduled to land at 1945, that’s now looking like 2115. Damn. Quick drink with the office lot then off to meet the girlfriend who’s out somewhere near Westminster…

The date at the top of this page is April 1st. Fools’ day. I didn’t play any tricks (although I heard about some crackers). My mum and I used to try and get each other every year. She emailed me today and said it was a quiet one.

I miss my mum. She kind of rocks.